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Maxthon RC  Girişi değiştir

# Improvements

- [Main Framework]
* optimized "Last Session" logic, show after restart, browser update, crash, and task manager forced exit now
* adjusted width of Mouse Gesture trail to 4 pixels
- [Webkit Core]
* added hot keys support to Ultra mode context menu
- [Smart Address Bar]
* optimized data processing speed
* fixed problem obtaining webpage title after URL is entered to Address Bar and visited

# Fixed

- [Main Framework]
* fixed crash problem when changing webpage encoding
* fixed high CPU problem when entering certain special characters to address bar
* fixed problem that after creating a new tab, IME window does not show when entering complex characters to address bar
* fixed toolbar position problem after changing language
* fixed problem opening html files with blank space in file path or filename
- [Webkit Core]
* fixed crash problem when opening view page source
* fixed Gmail scroll bar problem
* fixed problem that webpage context menu may not show on repeated right clicks
* fixed successive online music chips playback problem
* fixed picture saving problem that no overwrite confirmation is requested when file already exists
* fixed problem opening FTP folders containing complex characters in name or path
* fixed several webpage encoding problems
* fixed focus problem when webpage dropdown menu is clicked
* fixed focus problem when Find in Page dialog is opened
* fixed problem using remote PAC script
* fixed "Page not found" problem when visiting certain sites
* fixed dialog minimze problem when saving picture
* fixed several reported crash problems
- [Download Manager]
* fixed problem adding download task when target save directory does not exist
* fixed problem saving download history of duplicated downloads
- [Multi-Search]
* changed hot key of Add/Change button of Add/Edit dialogs from Enter to Ctrl + Enter
* fixed a display problem after adding a new category
- [Developer Tools]
* fixed a window size problem
* fixed Console reference links not working problem
* fixed Search Elments state display problem

Maxthon 3 Kuruyor

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