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Feed Demon Beta 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Feed Demon Beta  Girişi değiştir

- Added: Popular topics includes a "Find new feeds" link when the report shows no results for the chosen date range
- Added: If FeedDemon crashes while multiple browser tabs are opened, you'll be asked whether to reopen those tabs then next time it starts
- Changed: The ability to search subscriptions from the search bar has been removed. This feature is still available by pressing F3 or selecting Tools|Search Subscriptions
- Changed: "Automatically collapse folders" has been moved to the General tab in FeedDemon's options
- Changed: The option to "mark selected item as read" now operates in both the news item list and the newspaper
- Changed: The options to (1) check if FeedDemon is the default aggregator and (2) show validation errors in new feeds have been moved to the confirmation setting
- Changed: "History of Auto-Discovered Feeds" report now skips feeds with non-descriptive titles such as "RSS" and "Atom"
- Changed: When the news item list is grouped by date, only the time portion displays when an item's date is within the last few days
- Changed: When a news bin is unsynched, other clients which have that news bin will also unsync them (previously builds deleted them)
- Changed: Error log (FeedDemon.elf) is now saved to the cache folder instead of the application folder
- Fixed: Subscriptions scroll to the right after changing views if a feed with a long title is selected
- Fixed: Search phrase is cleared from address bar when it loses focus (88364)
- Fixed: Sanitizer cuts off all text after a tag if encountered when building a newspaper<br>- Fixed: Further improved duplicate suppression in "Popular in Everyone's Subscriptions"<br>- Fixed: Hard-coded text and language in "about tabs" page (88684)<br>- Fixed: Incoming links cropped when using Chinese font (88636)<br>- Fixed: Feed preview dialog requires clicking inside the browser before mouse wheel will scroll it<br>- Fixed: "Ignore new items older than" setting not enforced for modified items<br>- Fixed: Open italics not closed in newspaper excerpts (88931)<br>- Fixed: Feed or folder must be clicked twice to reload its newspaper after right-clicking another node<br>- Fixed: If during an update a feed receives more items than its archiving value permits, the archiving value is automatically increased. This is by design, but it should not happen if the archiving value has been changed from its default value of 200 items (28776)<br>- Fixed: Minimized browser splitter re-opens after alt-tabbing away from and then back to FeedDemon (79949)<br>- Fixed: NOEMBED sections render in newspaper even when EMBED is rendered<br>- Fixed: Videos from 1938 Media don't display inside newspaper<br>- Fixed: Clicking "mark page read" at bottom of newspaper causes scrollbar to jump (89335)

Feed Demon 2 Kuruyor

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