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Opera 7.00
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Opera 7.00 Girişi değiştir
Opera\'s new rendering engine (also known as \"Presto\")
M2, Opera\'s new e-mail and news client
User interface features
Hotlist features
More features
Accessibility and usability
Changelogs after Beta 2
- Support for page/document reflow
- Support for DOM (Document Object Model) level 2
- Support for dynamic HTML
- Extended CSS2 support, including e.g. styling of form elements
- 100% ECMAScript support
- Improved HTML 4.01 support
- Complete WML 1.3 and 2.0 support
M2, Opera\'s new e-mail and news client
- Automatically generated access points, a revolutionary method of viewing and organizing e-mail
- Support for SMTP authentication
- Support for news servers with password authentication
- Integrated spam filter
- E-mail import
- Eudora
- Outlook Express
- Netscape, versions 6/7
- Account wizard helps users set up e-mail and news accounts
- Possible to label messages, which makes messages easily accessible
- Support for POP3, IMAP, and ESMTP
- Support for threaded display of mailing lists
- Quick reply can send a reply without opening a compose window
- Pressing compose has the following possibilities:
- When in a newsgroup: will automatically fill in the Newsgroups header
- In a mailing list: fill in the mailing list as To: header
- In a contact: view the contact address.
- It is possible to rename any access point, also rename e.g. Unread to Today (if that\'s your favorite way of viewing e-mail)
- It is possible to see e-mail from the day, week, month, last 3 months, year, or forever
- M2 will compress mailboxes automatically (see below)
- Reply and QuickReply can strip quote levels automatically
- Support for canceling usenet messages
- Use the forms multiline font for e-mail compose window so it can be changed from Opera preferences
User interface features
- New MDI/SDI combination gives users the best of two worlds by allowing surfing in both MDI or SDI, with tabs (or even a combination) without restarting Opera
- Extended and vastly improved drag-and-drop support
- Rearrange or move toolbar items using drag-and-drop customization
- Move bookmarks, tabs, and MDI pages between SDI windows
- Open or save any page link, or make it a desktop shortcut
- Rearrange the address, search, and zoom fields
- Menu items can be moved, added, or removed by editing \"menu.ini\"
- Support for one-click download-and-install skinning
- If the server returns content-type \"application/x-opera-skin\" and the file has \"zip\" extension, Opera will download and install the skin directly
- Color schemes can be selected from the view menu, and new schemes can be added by editing the \"menu.ini\" file
- Page bar replaces MDI window bar
- User mode address-bar icon has a drop-down menu that lets you choose alternative ways to view a Web page
- New 3D buttons
- Enhanced alphablended effects
- Introduced FastForward for quick navigation to the next most likely Web page
- Double-click will select the full URL in Address bar
- View > Encoding will change encoding immediately
- Progress line added
- Status field now draggable
- \"Paste and go\" added to the address field context menu
- Minimized pages are now hidden
- Minimizing a page activates the next one
- Middle button click closes a page tab
- Users can drag folders on the Personal bar while pressing Ctrl, or if the \"Customize toolbars\" dialog is open
Hotlist features
- New floatable download and transfer manager, with drag-and-drop support
- Bookmarks can be shown as panels
- History is implemented as a panel
- E-mail manager
- Hotlist can float or dock either left or right
- Single-click opening of bookmarks can be enabled in the \"opera6.ini\" file by changing the \"Hotlist Single Click=0\" setting in the \"[HotListWindow]\" section
- New links panel
- Shows links for active window
- Panel can be \"locked\" to keep the links
- Drag and drop and quick download
- Quick-find filter
- Detect images/music, etc and give them distinct icon
- New Contacts panel
- Rearrange, Show, or Hide panels at will
More features
- Introduced the Wand, a password and form manager
- Wand shortcut is available from text areas
- Enabled use of security password in the Wand
- Installer supports both multiple user accounts (profile strategy) and single-user installation, i.e. Opera can install with separate settings for each user on Windows NT/2000/XP
- Press Shift+F11 to enable small-screen mode, which emulates a hand-held (small-screen) device running Opera
- Support for multiple user style sheets, including 100% CSS-made text browser, that can be applied to any Web page
- New JavaScript console can be opened from \"Window > Special > JavaScript console\"
- Opera\'s new session manager lets you choose between (multiple) saved sessions from the start-up dialog
- Opera\'s FTP client supports the EPLF directory format as well as resume download \"guessing\"
- Added a 14-day banner free period
- Start-up speed optimization
- Added support for printing during print preview
- Added support for the HTTP Content-Location header
- Added a preference setting to control whether the JavaScript console is auto-created on encountering the first error
- Added quick download to normal link menus
Accessibility and usability
- Support for alternate style sheets
- Built-in accessibility user style sheet
- Move focus to page elements with Shift+arrow keys
- Support for access keys on Web pages using Shift+Esc with access key
- Mouse wheel now affects what is under the cursor, not necessarily what has keyboard focus
- New navigation bar supports page/document navigation defined using link tags
- Keyboard shortcuts for all actions can be customized (added, removed, or modified) in \"input.ini\", and Opera even supports shortcut sequences
- Dynamic on-the-fly generation of access keys in menus
- Press Shift+Tab to get out of compose window
- Shortcut for \"Close all but active\", Ctrl+Alt+W
- Paste and go
- Pressing Ctrl+D will use clipboard URL to go to new Web page (replaces F8, Ctrl+V, Enter sequence)
- Also works if focus is set to the Address field or a search field
- Added to the Address field context menu
- Global setting-file location changed from Windows directory to opera.exe directory -- used to include new settings added by the installer
- Support for accepting requested pop-ups only
- Support for favicon and icon files
- Improved \"Send link in e-mail\", which supports the RFC1738 format
- Updated \"Identify as MSIE\" version number from 5.5 to 6.0, and added keyboard shortcuts
- Status bar is off by default, and tooltip for link addresses is on by default
- DOCTYPE switching enabled (see separate document for details)
- Imported OpenSSL v0.9.7
- Help function
- Files are updated
- New layout
- Better support for OperaShow
- The help will now open in an ordinary browser window
- Table of contents added
- Help function makes full use of the Navigation bar
- Added support for \"opera:/help/\" for direct access to help files
Changelogs after Beta 2
- M2 will compress mailboxes automatically
- If a mailbox uses more than 25% of unnecessary disk space, remaining messages are moved to the currently active mailbox and cleared from the old one
- This happens right after trash is emptied (if needed)
- Drag-and-drop move between IMAP folders implemented
- Reply and QuickReply can strip quote levels automatically
- Added support for cancelling usenet messages
- Sound alert for new e-mail works
- Use the forms multiline font for e-mail compose window so it can be changed from Opera preferences
- Opera will automatically fill in correct values for OperaMail accounts, including SMTP authentication, if \"\" is kept as server
- Activated new download dialog
- Made the Wand shortcut available from text areas
- Enabled use of security password in the Wand
- Added support for full name in personal information pop-up menu list
- Double-click will select the full URL in Address bar
- View > Encoding will change encoding immediately
- Progress line added
- Status field now draggable
- \"Paste and go\" added
- Shortcut added for \"Close all but active\" Ctrl+Alt+w (added to Page bar context menus)
- Minimized pages are now hidden
- Minimizing a page activates the next one
- Middle button click closes a page tab
- Imported OpenSSL v0.9.7
- The account wizard is opened if user attempts to compose, check, or send messages and no account is present
- Support for SDI open in background
- SDI \"new\" gesture will open new window (not new page)
- Speed column in transfer window is not reset after transfer is done
Opera 7.00 Ekran
Opera 7 Kuruyor
- Opera 9.64
- Opera 9.63
- Opera 9.62
- Opera 9.61
- Opera 9.60 Beta 1
- Opera 9.60 Beta (Build 10439)
- Opera 9.60 Beta (Build 10427)
- Opera 9.60 Beta (Build 10408)
- Opera 9.60
- Opera 9.52
- Opera 9.51 RC2
- Opera 9.51 RC1
- Opera 9.51 Beta (Build 10071)
- Opera 9.51
- Opera 9.50 Beta 2
- Opera 9.50 Beta 1
- Opera 9.50
- Opera 9.27
- Opera 9.26
- Opera 9.25
- Opera 9.24
- Opera 9.23 Beta (Build 8807)
- Opera 9.23 Beta (Build 8805)
- Opera 9.23
- Opera 9.22 Beta (Build 8800)
- Opera 9.22 Beta (Build 8796)
- Opera 9.22
- Opera 9.21 Beta (Build 8776)
- Opera 9.21
- Opera 9.20 Beta (Build 8769)
- Opera 9.20 Beta (Build 8767)
- Opera 9.20 Beta (Build 8762)
- Opera 9.20 Beta (Build 8758)
- Opera 9.20 Beta (Build 8746)
- Opera 9.20 Beta (Build 8732)
- Opera 9.20 Beta (Build 8713)
- Opera 9.20
- Opera 9.12 Beta (Build 8701)
- Opera 9.10 Beta (Build 8692)
- Opera 9.10 Beta (Build 8678)
- Opera 9.10 Beta (Build 8666)
- Opera 9.10 Beta (Build 8660)
- Opera 9.10 Beta (Build 8653)
- Opera 9.10 Beta (Build 8649)
- Opera 9.10 Beta (Build 8643)
- Opera 9.10 Beta (Build 8629)
- Opera 9.10
- Opera 9.02 Beta (Build 8573)
- Opera 9.02
- Opera 9.01 Beta (Build 8543)
- Opera 9.01 Beta (Build 8542)
- Opera 9.01 Beta (Build 8533)
- Opera 9.01 Beta (Build 8518)
- Opera 9.01
- Opera 9.00 (Build 8501)
- Opera 9.0 Preview 2
- Opera 9.0 Preview 1
- Opera 9.0 Beta 8406
- Opera 9.0 Beta 8393
- Opera 9.0 Beta 8333
- Opera 9.0 Beta 8303
- Opera 9.0 Beta 8246
- Opera 9.0 Beta 8225
- Opera 9.0 Beta 8219
- Opera 9.0 Beta 2 (Build 8432)
- Opera 9.0 Beta 2 (Build 8414)
- Opera 9.0 Beta 1 (Build 8367)
- Opera 9.0
- Opera 8.54
- Opera 8.53
- Opera 8.52
- Opera 8.51
- Opera 8.50
- Opera 8.10 Preview 2
- Opera 8.02tp1
- Opera 8.02 Tech Preview 1
- Opera 8.02
- Opera 8.01 (Build 7642)
- Opera 8.01
- Opera 8.00
- Opera 8.0
- Opera 7.54u2
- Opera 7.54u1
- Opera 7.54
- Opera 7.53
- Opera 7.52
- Opera 7.51
- Opera 7.50
- Opera 7.23
- Opera 7.22
- Opera 7.21
- Opera 7.20
- Opera 7.11
- Opera 7.10
- Opera 7.03
- Opera 7.02
- Opera 7.01
- Opera 6.06
- Opera 6.05
- Opera 6.04
- Opera 6.03
- Opera 6.02
- Opera 6.01
- Opera 6.00
- Opera 5.12
- Opera 5.11
- Opera 5.10
- Opera 5.02 (Build 855)
- Opera 5.02
- Opera 5.01
- Opera 5.00
- Opera 4.02
- Opera 4.01
- Opera 4.00
- Opera 3.62
- Opera 3.61
- Opera 3.60
- Opera 3.6
- Opera 3.51
- Opera 3.50
- Opera 3.21
- Opera 3.20
- Opera 3.10
- Opera 3.1
- Opera 3.00
- Opera 3.0
- Opera 2.12
- Opera 2.10
- Opera 2.00
- Opera 12.14
- Opera 12.13
- Opera 12.12
- Opera 12.11
- Opera 12.10 Beta 1 (Build 1615)
- Opera 12.10 (Beta 1)
- Opera 12.10
- Opera 12.02
- Opera 12.01
- Opera 12.00 Build 1387 Snapshot
- Opera 12.00 Build 1383 Snapshot
- Opera 12.00 Build 1372 Snapshot
- Opera 12.00 Build 1360 Snapshot
- Opera 12.00 Build 1351 Snapshot
- Opera 12.00 Build 1306
- Opera 12.00 Beta 1 (Build 1387)
- Opera 12.00 (Beta 1) (x64)
- Opera 12.00 (Beta 1)
- Opera 12.00
- Opera 11.64
- Opera 11.62
- Opera 11.61
- Opera 11.60 Beta 1 (Build 1147)
- Opera 11.60 (Beta)
- Opera 11.60
- Opera 11.52
- Opera 11.51
- Opera 11.50 Beta 1 (Build 1027)
- Opera 11.50 (Beta)
- Opera 11.50
- Opera 11.11
- Opera 11.10 Beta 1 (Build 2048)
- Opera 11.10 (Beta)
- Opera 11.10
- Opera 11.01
- Opera 11.00 Beta (Build 1145)
- Opera 11.00
- Opera 11.0 Beta 1 (Build 1111)
- Opera 11 (Beta 1)
- Opera 11
- Opera 10.63
- Opera 10.62
- Opera 10.61
- Opera 10.60 Beta 1 (Build 3422)
- Opera 10.60
- Opera 10.54
- Opera 10.53
- Opera 10.52
- Opera 10.51
- Opera 10.50 Beta 2 (Build 3273)
- Opera 10.50 Beta 1 (Build 3247)
- Opera 10.50 (Beta 2)
- Opera 10.50 (Beta 1)
- Opera 10.50
- Opera 10.10 Beta 1 (Build 1833)
- Opera 10.10
- Opera 10.01
- Opera 10.00
- Opera 10.0 RC (Build 1733)
- Opera 10.0 Beta 3 (Build 1699)
- Opera 10.0 Beta 2 (Build 1642)
- Opera 10.0 Beta (Build 1551)
- Opera 10.0
Opera Yorumlar