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mIRC 3.4
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mIRC 3.4 Girişi değiştir
Fixed line splitting in single line editbox.
/describe now displays as a normal action if you are on the channel that you are sending to.
Can now do 1!:ON TEXT:etc... which means this command should not react to any events caused by me.
Added alternative join/part/quit format option.
Fixed :! GPF.
Fixed $opnick problem.
Directories are now sorted in DCC Send dialog.
Can now specify directory for mirc.ini file on command line.
Notify routine now checks for a blank line!
Server name is now shown in status window title bar.
Fixed $parms not being passed on with a :> directive.
Added /add [-apuce] filename.ini and /save filename.ini which load in alias, popups, and remote user, command, and event sections from the specified ini file. The /save saves all of these five sections to the specified ini file.
Added $me as an alias parameter which refers to your nickname.
Added option to append text to application title bar.
Can use ; or REM to comment out lines in the remote/event sections.
Now connects even if unable to get your local host name but was still able to get your ip address (should have done this a long time ago!).
Added a /raw command which sends any parameters you supply directly to the server.
You MUST know the correct RAW format to use this command.
Added /omsg and /onotice commands which send a message to all channel operators on the current channel. eg. /omsg Hello there! These are limited to users with Op status.
Can now specify max. number of lines in scrollback buffer.
Fixed bug in the /auto, /notify, /ignore, and /protect storage routines.
Can now minimize a window quickly by pressing the ESCape key (option).
Added /timer1 to /timer9 commands in the format: /timerN eg. /timer1 30 /ame is AWAY!
Status window can now remember minimized/maximized position.
DCC Chat window is now not minimized if it is initiated by you.
Added crude /flood control, format: /flood . Prevents mIRC from sending any lines to the server if it has sent too many lines in a specified number of seconds. These lines are NOT stored, they are lost.
Fixed problem with $ followed by letters not being displayed. eg. $SHELL ($ followed by a number is always assumed to be a parameter).
Added: +2:ON JOIN:etc... the + limits this command to only level 2 users.
Added Select File/Directory dialog to Add, Extras, and DCC Options dialogs.
Fixed weird DCC-related bug in input routine...?
Added ON SERVEROP event eg. 1:ON SERVEROP:#:/msg *1:$me $opnick was opped by $nick where $nick refers to the server that did the opping.
Added /closemsg command to close message windows with a certain nickname.
Fixed USER not enough parameters problems.
Each window now stores it\'s own previous line (using /). Using / brings back last line typed in current window. and /! brings back last line typed in any window.
Finger server now uses different method to do a finger which might solve problems some people were having.
Can now use either the IP address or the Hostname of an IRC server.
DCC Send icon now shows nickname.
Added option Reconnect on disconnection.
/help now brings up mirc.hlp file irc commands section.
Now removes strange characters from users name when logging.
Can now use $parm1* just like the $1* parameter.
Fixed /uwho is operator bug.
Windows can be resized to a smaller size.
Fixed DO problem.
Quit in a channel now just shows nickname and quit message.
/join #this_is_a_test_of_brigs_bug has been fixed.
But there\'s still a limit of how long a channel name can be!
Fixed buildup of %\'s when recalling previous line.
Added -c switch to /play command to allow playing of commands.
If resizing window and you\'re at the bottom of the buffer it stays at the bottom after the resizing.
Fixed problem with silent disconnections (i think).
Quit now uses a default message of (Leaving).
Fixed occasional window text not being updated?
Added Beeping option to Chat/Channel/Query window system menus which overrides Options Beep on Message setting. Each window remembers it\'s beeping setting.
Added ON NOTIFY event. eg. 1:ON NOTIFY:/msg *1:$me $nick is on IRC!
Added /log on/off command for logging windows to file.
Added $+ parameter which means append the next parameter without inserting a space before it.
Fixed /stats problem.
Fixed 1:*:! problem.
Added /fserve for fileserver.
Fileserver improvements:
1) now sends 30 second timeout warning to idle user.
2) Directories are now listed horizontally in wide listing.
3) If user does ls -4 and then does ls the -4 is remembered.
4) Can do ls -[k|b] for listing in K\'s or bytes.
5) Greatly improved fserve routines.
6) Prevents a user having more than one fileserver session open.
7) Directories/files are now sorted.
Greatly improved dynamic memory allocation.
Made change to the ON TEXT event. The search text should now be specified in the following manner: eg. 1:ON TEXT:text:#mirc:/msg *1:etc...
where text is:
=text - if user said only this word
text* - if user started line with this word
*text - if user ended line with this word
*text* or text - if user said this word anywhere
Added 5:ON OP:= which means that any level 5 or higher users will not get a reaction from a lower level ON OP when they are opped. Works with other events and remote definitions as well.
Cleaned up/optimized/rewrote many many routines.
Fixed GPF when window is closed while popupmenu is up.
Fixed Unable to send query to server problem(?)
Fixed /auser /ruser being lost if Cancel pressed in remote dialog.
Can now select a maximum of 9 files to send in dcc send dialog. Also added a minimize option to minimize all dcc send windows.
Fixed bugs in INI reading routines.
Added /guser [type] command which does the same thing as /auser but does a /whois on the specified nickname first and then adds their address to the remote user list.
Remote DCC Send window closes if other user closes connection.
If a DCC Get window is waiting for a resume acknowledgement and times out then the window is closed.
Speeded up text update in windows significantly.
Added /exit command which forces mIRC to closedown.
Now removes directory prefix from a DCC Get file.
Major DCC Send improvements.
Added /fsend [on|off] an experimental fast dcc send option.
Added /ulist which lists users in the remote list with specific access levels.
Fixed /oper command.
Changed /ban types (1 to 4). Also /ban with no type bans the whole address with no wildcards. Banning an IP address now adds a wildcard to the last ip number.
Added/Fixed other things I forgot to write down...
mIRC 3 Kuruyor
mIRC Yorumlar