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Password Safe 3.25

9,299 İndirme

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Password Safe 3.25  Girişi değiştir

# New Features
- New View menu option: Show entries with Expiry. This is useful for displaying entries with passwords that are expired or about to expire.

# Changes to Existing Features

- The password expiration warning mechanism now checks for expiration daily. The display of expired and almost-expired entries has been redesigned, allowing users to update the entry directly. When an expired password is changed, the expiry date will be cleared unless there is a recurring password expiry interval, in which case a new expiry date will be calculated.
- Double-clicking on the system tray icon when PasswordSafe is not minimized now brings it to front, instead of minimizing.
- Rename of an entry or group in the Tree View can now only be performed via the Rename shortcut (default value F2), using the Edit menu or the right-click context menu. Edit in place by double clicking the entry is no longer allowed as, most of the time, this was not the desired action.
- Filtered views are now updated when an entry's edited, e.g., if an entry is edited such that it no longer satisfies the filter's criteria, it will be removed from the display.

# Bugs fixed
- Fix new group creation location. When a Group is selected, then selecting 'Add Group' from the Edit menu or from the context menu displayed by right clicking on that Group, the new group will be a child of the selected group. However, when using the context menu displayed on right clicking on 'white space' below the last entry/group displayed, the group will be created at the topmost level.
- No longer crashes if search starts with Shift-Enter (search backwards).
- Windows installer will now refuse to install on Win2K,referring user to last supported version on that OS (3.18).
- Window view is now saved and restored if the user uses the Windows "Show Desktop" feature.
- No longer crashes when doing an Undo after a Merge.- Ensure Undo/Redo honour the changes to the display of the original change.

Password Safe 3 Kuruyor

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