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Notepad++ 5.4.5

2,693 İndirme

Notepad++ 5.4.5 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Notepad++ 5.4.5  Girişi değiştir

  • Fix plugins shortcuts not working bug.
  • Fix the tooltip on toolbar display bug for the plugins icons.
  • Fix a crash that was occurring when searching in files from a deep path.
  • Fix a crash issue (Unicode binary) while close Notepad++ with an RC file opened under Chinese Xp.
  • Fix Pascal and Scheme syntax highlighting problem (fixes in styles.xml).
  • Add SQL folding capacity.

Included plugins (Unicode):

  • TextFX v0.26
  • NppExec v0.3 RC1
  • Spell Checker v1.3.2
  • MIME Tools v1.5
  • FTP_synchronize v0.9.6
  • NppExport v0.2.8
  • Doc Monitor v2.2
  • NppNetNote v0.1
  • ChangeMarkers 1.2.1
  • Compare Plugin 1.5.4

Included plugins (ANSI):

  • TextFX v0.25
  • NppExec v0.3 RC1
  • Spell Checker v1.3.1
  • MIME Tools v1.5
  • FTP_synchronize v0.9.6
  • NppExport v0.2.8
  • Light Explorer v1.5
  • Doc Monitor v2.2
  • NppNetNote v0.1
  • ChangeMarkers 1.2.1
  • Compare Plugin 1.5.4

Notepad++ 5 Kuruyor

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